Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Review of Classroom Discussion

During class today we discussed the similarities and the differences between energy policies of the USA and Brazil. During this discussion it was evident that Brazil is going in a completely different route than that the US  is taken when it comes to their oil. Brazil is using the profits of their petroleum to reinvest in alternative energy technology in order to prepare themselves for the future. On the other hand, the US is focusing on buying other nations oil while increasing our own production of oil and fossil fuels. This is most likely going to hurt us in the long run because we will be forced to use the alternative energy technology developed by other nations instead of what we develop ourselves. My projected overall outcome is that if both of these nations stay on the same path, Brazil's economy will grow, their society will improve, and they will be extremely environmentally friendly. The US however will see a decline in their economy because it will need to import energy technology, as a result of a declining economy society will decline, and furthermore, the US will still be one of the worst nations with regards to taking care of the environment.

Personally I think that the best option in terms of future energy is to combine wind, solar, geothermal, and tidal energy instead of relying on any one in particular because this will prevent a strong dependency on any one thing. Brazil and its heavy reliance on hydroelectric power has proven that although it is effective and green, there are times where it is too unpredictable and unreliable which causes massive fluctuations in energy. If the world as a whole focuses on all of these different forms of alternative energy then perhaps we could see virtually free energy production in our lifetime. Only time will tell.


  1. Do you believe that the US should adopt Brazil's platform on reinvesting the profits from fossil fuel production into alternative energy sources? Would this be more effective than using the government's resources, such as with the Department of Defense, to invest in development?

    1. Yes I do because if we can produce enough energy from renewable resources than we would not need to worry about foreign oil or finding our own sources of natural gasses and can instead rely on the environment to produce energy for us. If this happens then the government would eventually be able to invest entirely in other developmental departments because energy would no longer be a concern.

  2. I like your idea of combining wind, solar, georthermal and tidal energy so that in the future we are not dependent on just one source. However what are the economic figures regarding this idea? Will mixing these various energies become too much of a financial burden on any particular country?

    1. Well in terms of international use this would not be a feasible idea because there are some countries that would not gain enough energy from the sun or landlocked countries that wouldn't be able to harness the tidal energy, or even some places where geothermal might not be useful however in order to compensate for their lack of ability to use them all they would just have to rely on what they could use which may mean more expense. The expense paid to invest in these technologies would eventually pay off however as they would become self-sufficient and therefore not need to rely on foreign oil or anything else in order to have electricity. Also the environment would benefit obviously so it is a win win.

  3. What is the economic impact for society if turbines were powered by your running? Would your running be able to offset our carbon foot print significantly? Perhaps gyms and other bicycles should use the kinetic energy of a person's movements to power a machine.

    I envision a great day where Marino is powered by the sweat and determination of heroes like you, Jared Harlow. For now I salute you.

    1. Haha basically we would revert back to slavery for our energy which although would be feasible, there are clearly some other issues that would stand in the way of that happening.
