Sunday, July 7, 2013

Response to Inconvenient Truth

The following is a list of responses regarding the Inconvenient Truth video witch, for those who haven't seen it, is an over dramatization of everything going on with the environment and global warming to make it seem 100x worse than it is. The reason being that there definitely is something going wrong with the Earth and Global Warming is real, but if it the changes that are occurring are accurately portrayed they would seem minor and no cause for concern because we as humans generally don't bother ourselves with little problems but instead try and tackle impossible challenges hence the need to blow this out of the water in order to attract people's attention and call them to action. Now with that being said it is time to answer the quick quiz about the movie...

  1. What started this whole environmental movement was a simple photograph that was taken by Apollo 8 and it is known as the Earth Rise. It showed the Earth as somewhat impure which immediately caused concern because naturally we panic about the tiniest things like ya know...quite protests in city.
  2. When looking at the Earth as a system the atmosphere is definitely weakest link as it is made up of a certain balance of gasses which can easily be disturbed.
  3. So evidently according to this movie the atmosphere is, relatively speaking, as thin as a coat of varnish on the globe...Wouldn't have been my choice for an analogy but I guess it works.
  4. Pro of trapping infrared radiation: keeps the Earth warm and livable
  5. Con: Too much causes the Earth to heat up and if it gets too hot catastrophe will follow...Analogy here would be alcohol, ingesting a certain amount is fine...too much and well we've all been there. 
  6.  Fun Fact: 40% of people rely on glacial melt a year for their drinking water...That means that there's a good chance we've all had water from a glacier at some points in our lives...SmartWater probably...
  7. So evidently there are people who study bubbles in ice cores and before you laugh what they do is actually important because the bubbles are from CO2 and it enables them to determine CO2 levels of previous years.
  8. So the question was posed what is the relation between CO2 levels and atmospheric temperature and the response to that according to this video is that when CO2 goes up atmospheric temperature also goes up, however there are other sources which contradict this so you can decide how you feel about it.
  9. Interestingly enough the hottest span of time was between 1992-2005 according to this movie but there are many different graphs and charts and people who show that this data which seems like the smoking gun for global warming is typical when looking at the fact that the Earth's average temperature has risen and fallen in cycles over the years...Obviously the most drastic change in temperature was when we went into and came out of the ice age and I'm pretty sure there weren't cars to and billions of people to warm up the Earth back then.
  10. Another fun fact: As water under a hurricane gets warmer the wind velocity increases. So basically people in Florida should stock up on ice for hurricane season and dump it all into the water before it hits land.
  11. Lake Chad: RIP as you are old and dried up...just like the river of the Grand Canyon but only uglier.
  12. Stop wasting your money on sunscreen and instead use ice cubes because ice reflects 90% of the Sun's radiation...until it melts.
  13. Interesting...water and wind currents transfer energy from the equator to the poles...oh you're in fifth grade and you knew that? Guess Mr. Gore has some catching up to do.
  14. Bad News for everyone on or near the coast...especially you New Orleans...if the ice sheets of Western Antarctica were to melt the sea level would rise approximately 20 ft. That's not good.
  15. Why is it that it seems like we are at war with the Earth or so Mr. Gore believes? Because our population is too high and we don't put our concern on the environment nearly as much as we should, and because of the technological and scientific revolution. So either we can kill people, change or way of thinking, or revert to the stone age, I'll leave the decision up to you.
  16. Not so fun fact: About 30% of global CO2 production comes from forest fires which is something I think we all can agree on needs to be prevented and not just because of CO2 levels.
  17. Hola America, just wanted to congratulate you for leading the world in CO2 emissions. Even ahead of China which has a population 4x greater. Way to follow the American way of overdoing everything.
  18. Hey America you won again! You are also the country with the lowest standard for gas mileage on automobiles! Way to do us all a favor and burn through gas and oil faster than anywhere else!
  19. For the third question in a row USA all the way. You signed the Kyoto protocol but failed to ratify it because ya know why do the right way when it comes to politics. At least this time you have Australia to partner with but still it's a shame.

All sarcasm and jokes aside, the United States tries to lead the world in everything and yet we are failing at doing the simple stuff to help the environment. We really need to start focusing intensely on making our nation and the world environmentally friendly otherwise it could be unlivable for future generations. Is owning that Hummer or not recycling really worth the future of the Earth? If you think it is well than you are a... can't type  what I want because I'm graded on this but you get the point. Pony up America and do your part!

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