Thursday, July 4, 2013

HW 1 Intro post


My name is Jared Harlow and I am going to be a sophomore majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I wanted to come on this dialogue for a couple reasons. First I wanted to learn more about alternative energy to see if that is a path I would like to pursue. Second I figured if I am going to have to take some summer classes I might as well do it abroad and make it as close to a vacation as possible, and last but not least I figured coming to Brazil would be an awesome experience.

While I am here I hope to learn enough about alternative energy to decide if I would like to do my first co-op in the field but I also want to learn enough about Brazilian culture and the language to be able to come back on my own some day and be able to not stick out as badly as our group has so far. We clearly do not and will not blend in anytime soon.

As for something that is new to me I have never traveled internationally before so virtually everything here is new to me since we got off the plane. I guess the most surprising aspect so far has been all of the plants throughout the city. Typically when I think of a city I think of a concrete jungle with hardly any real plant life so to come to a city where they have plants growing virtually everywhere is really unusual. I wonder if it's like this in Rio...?

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