Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dia en o Marcadao

Yesterday we went to the market and I was able to try a ton of different exotic fruits as well as a mortadella sandwich. It was quite an experience especially since I did not end up purchasing any fruit so I just got everything for free via taste testing. The following are some pictures of what I had but eventually I stopped taking pictures and just enjoyed all the different fruits.

Mangostim-Purple Mangosteen
Weird texture but tasted decent.

Lichia Rambuta-Lychee Rambuta
Not too much flavor- tasted similar to a grape.

Our TA Christian eating Lichia Rambuta

Figos roxos-Purple Figs

Atemoia-Sugar Apple
The texture of this fruit was grainy and overall ended up ruining the flavor of the fruit which was rather sweet.


Tamaras-No English Translation
When eaten with a strawberry it tastes amazing!

Acerola-West Indian Cherry

Jabuticaba-Same in English

Pitaya-Columbian Pitaya
This fruit was similar to passion fruit in texture but the taste was different. Also the vendor
told us that this fruit as certain arousal characteristics when eaten by a man.

These were our massive Mortadella sandwiches. They are definitely worth having once, but not worth getting again.

Caju-Cashew (The fruit not the nut)

Some random pictures of fish found in the market.

And that was our day at the market.

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