Thursday, July 4, 2013

Personal Emissions

According to a test on this site I produce 11 tons of CO2 gas every year assuming I'm in an apartment or dorm. This is less than half of that of the average U.S. citizen but in relation to the average person in the world it is twice that of the global average. My personal breakdown of emissions ends up being:

11.5% for home energy thanks to Northeastern
36.7% for driving and flying and that's higher mostly because of the trip here ironically
4.9% for waste and recycling again thanks to Northeastern
46.9% for food which is almost equivalent to what the average person emits total but oh well.

These percentages are similar to the U.S average breakdown except that normally home energy is over 36%
and food is barely at 15% but I'm a college kid on a green campus with an infinite amount of food already paid for at my disposal...what do you expect?

As for how to decrease my output in each category there really isn't much I could do in terms of home energy other than keep my windows closed in my dorm and ensure my chargers and stuff are not left plugged in all the time.

The driving and flying thing is pretty much out of my control because I don't drive unless I have to and like I said this trip killed that category for me.

Waste and recycling is pretty much as good as I can get it because I generally try to recycle everything and put the proper items in the compost bin but I guess I could always do better.

Lastly, the food category could be lowered by eating more organic foods and eating less meat but I am almost positive that is not going to happen because I spend hours at the gym so I need my food to stay energized and I dislike tofu so yeah no changes there.

This little activity was interesting but that's the end of it so now you now my CO2 emissions which I am sure you were dying to know if you got this far in the post. So uh yeah thanks for being weird and caring about my CO2 emissions but really you should go find something else better to do. Cya.

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